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GES News 6/1/2021

Happy June, GES Families! The report I have received is that today's Outdoor School Day was a great success! There was hiking to Pincushion Mountain, time at the beach, time in a hammock under the trees, a kickball game, and a campfire. Ask your child for details on which of these activities their classroom participated in! There is a real sense of celebration as we reach the end of this school year. With so many unknowns throughout the year we are grateful to have had as much time learning together, in person, as we did. Despite the masks and room dividers, rich, quality education took place every day! We celebrate the opportunity to learn together! A year-end message from Pete: Since I came to GES in 2005, I have been fortunate to be part of an education community that is grounded in the beliefs that every parent loves their children and wants the best for them, that every child wants to feel cared for and competent, and that respectful, positive relationships are essential to building a healthy society. With that foundation, we have grown from a small, isolated school to become an integral part of a countywide system of public education striving for excellence. As my time here comes to a close, I feel an incredible gratitude for all the people who have shared the journey with me so passionately. It has been a joy to help make GES's vision for education more real and to feel strongly that the work will continue in the hearts, minds, and hands of all those who share that dream. Thank you, all! Pete

Important Dates & Events

PORTFOLIO NIGHT - TOMORROW!– Wednesday, June 2, 3:30-6:00 pm. Join us for this special opportunity to visit your child's classroom, see student work on display, as well as view your child's portfolio in a safe distance manner. Sign up for a time HERE! Contact your student's teacher if your family prefers not to be on-site, to make arrangements for their portfolio to be viewed at home.

GES T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE - The indigo colored shirts have a logo that commemorates this year's plant sale with students, plants and the words, "Great Things Grow Here". They are available in child sizes: S, M, L, XL, and adult sizes: S, M, L, XL. Child sizes are $15 and adult are $18, payable with cash or check to GES. You can send payment to school in an envelope with the size marked on it.


FREE LUNCH ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!- In honor of our 8th grade graduates there will be free Great Lunch for all on June 4, thanks to the generosity of the GES School Board and Great Expectations Foundation! No need to sign up online for this day, but please continue to, until then. Menu: Hotdogs.


Please take a moment to give your valuable opinion to our community.

SENTENCE STRUCTURE VIDEO! - The Lynx classroom has taken a different spin on learning sentence structure. With the talent of song-writer/performing artist/GES paraprofessional, Andre Robinson, and wardrobe artist/paraprofessional, Dane Kufa, the Lynx created a music video to solidify proper sentence structure in their minds for the rest of their lives! The video can be found on the Lynx page on the GES website, as well as HERE.

SUMMER TECHNOLOGY CAMPS- Sponsored by Boreal Community Media, Cook County Higher Education, and North Point. Scholarships are available! Details HERE.

FIRST DAY OF 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR: Tuesday, September 7.

Photos of the week: The last few weeks of school at GES are packed with activities, outings, and celebration. The Wolves classes have been wrapping up Wagons West, an immersive curriculum all about the wagon trains that headed westward for Oregon Territory. Wolves students have been completing Challenge Projects, where they pick a topic related to life on the wagon trail and present their research to their classmates. The photos on the right show two Wolves making potato cakes, which they cooked over the campfire to share with the class along with their Challenge Project presentation.

Like the rest of the school, the Wolves have been finding ways to celebrate the end of the year. In the photo on the left, the Wolves West class wraps up a sunny Friday afternoon with a dance party. -Rae

Thank you for your help!

Volunteers are an integral part of GES, and we want to thank everyone who has volunteered this school year in ways big and small. We thank you for the time, dedication, and love that you have shown to our learning community! Feel free to leave a phone message or send an email over the summer and I will respond when I am in the office. I am always happy to assist you!


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