Hello, Families!
I have a number of items to pass on to you, this week:
· PICTURE DAY IS NEXT MONDAY! - Watch for the order form to come home with your child today or tomorrow. Orders may also be placed online using the following link: http://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/pictureDayId/EVT9CMS7C
· BOOKFAIR! – Fall Bookfair Tuesday - Thursday October 8th-10th, 3:30 - 6:30pm in the Sawtooth Elementary Library
o Each student can receive a book free (up to $5 value) or $5 off of a book of greater value. No need to bring anything, just let us know which class your child is in and we'll apply the discount.
o Anyone wanting to volunteer to help with bookfair can sign up using the following link. They earn $10 scholastic dollars to use at the fair. Work shifts are fairly short.
o Any questions can be emailed to Amanda, Bookfair Chairperson at theandermans@gmail.com
· FREE FLUORIDE APPLICATIONS AT GES ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH – Details from the Oral Health Task Force will be sent home next week.
· LOST & FOUND – Our Lost & Found is becoming overgrown! Please ask your child to look for missing items before/after school, or during lunch. Feel free to stop in and take a look any time! As the season changes over to winter, the fall items will be donated.
o THIS FRIDAY, 10/11
o THURSDAY, 10/17 & FRIDAY, 10/18
o FRIDAY, 11/1
· GRAND MARAIS ART COLONY YOUTH CLASSES – Check out the link for two offerings on our No School day this Friday, as well as other great classes: https://grandmaraisartcolony.org/event-category/youth-classes/
· THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERS! – We truly appreciate Christina Ridlbauer, Amber Pfeil and Angie Works for teaming up to make Gumbo soup for our students on Monday. GES volunteers make a huge difference!
· GREAT LUNCH UPDATE FROM PETE - Lunch Program Continues to Evolve
As most of you have undoubtedly noticed, the challenges of finding an adequate number of volunteers for our lunch program have increased as we've gradually outgrown our longtime approach of using volunteers to prepare "homemade" lunches. The Great Expectations Foundation has been working with Great Lunch to move GES to a more robust model, including hiring staff and expanding the program to provide lunch every day and to include breakfast. We expect this work to continue this fall and put us in a position to make a switch some time this winter.
Issues such as menu options, staffing, cost, and federal food program compliance are part of the planning and decision making process now underway. If you would like to be directly involved with this effort, please contact Beth Kennedy at 218-370-1281, or bkennedy@boreal.org. In the meantime, we will strive to find the volunteers necessary to keep things afloat. Many thanks to Angie Works for her commitment and perseverance in this effort - and to everyone who has stepped forward to help out!
Hope your family gets a chance to enjoy this beautiful, sunny fall day!
