Great Expectations School News
March Greetings, Families! The snow is melting on the GES playground this week, but there was enough to support the Fawns classroom dog sled team this afternoon! The students took turns being sled dogs, riders and drivers, using proper terms to steer and stop their "team". Watch a ten second clip HERE. Other GES news can be found below:
PARENT SURVEY – Please take a moment to complete this important, three-question survey indicating your intent for your child’s enrollment at GES next school year. Your data will help us form the 2021-22 school year classrooms after spring break. Survey Link here.
SIGN UP FOR CONFERENCES – Conferences will take place from 3:00-7:00 pm on March 11, 16 and 18. If you need assistance, please call the office. Otherwise, use this SIGN UP.
SPRING BREAK – March 22-26. School resumes March 29.
NO SCHOOL – Friday, April 1 and Monday, April 5.
TRADITIONAL OJIBWE STORYTELLING EVENT - Check out more great storytelling from Oshki Ogimaag at 6 pm March 4, 6, & 11. Zoom link: For more information call 218-475-2112.
Photos of the Week: Last Friday was a special day at GES: it was finally warm enough to have our annual Storytelling Campfire! Storytelling is a powerful way to build community, pass down history, and share ideas, and students got to experience different kinds of story--from personal memories to tall tales--as they rotated through seven different storytelling stations. Some of the highlights from the day came from our volunteer storytellers: students got to learn about birch bark with Karl Koster, try their hand at a lumberjack saw with Steve Robertsen, and listen to entertaining books with Kevin Kager. Thank you to Karl, Kevin, and Steve, as well as to our staff who made this favorite event possible!

Seed order arrives for the Plant Sale
GES Plant Sale: Mark your calendars--this year's Plant Sale will be held May 22-23 at Great Expectations! To maintain social distancing, a sign-up will go out in advance of the sale so those interested can sign up for a time to shop. (We will not be doing pre-orders this year except for those with health concerns who cannot come in person). The greenhouse will be open to the public the week following the Plant Sale, on the honor system.
In the meantime, we are seeking volunteers to help with watering, transplanting, and fertilizing the plants to get them ready for the sale. We will also be in need of help the days of the sale. If you are able to help make this event possible, please contact Erik: can be sad to watch the beautiful snow melt, but it signals the start of the sap flow in maple trees. Consider tapping a few maple trees and boiling the sap into golden, sweet syrup. It's a fun, magical science experiment to enjoy with your family! As always, please call the office if you have any questions on school related items. I am happy to assist you!