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GES News 3/16/21


Greetings Families! With the fluctuating spring weather conditions dressing in "layers" is key! Some days students may start out needing gloves, hat and a warm jacket. They may end the day peeling those off as the temperature rises. When it's warm and melty, there is a lot of mud and water on the playground. Please consider sending spare shoes, socks and pants to school if your child is one who is drawn to the glorious puddles! There are quite a few gloves and hats in the lost and found this week. Feel free to give the office a call if you notice a beloved item is missing. We are happy to take a peek and get lost items back to their student! We have done well, so far. Let's continue Covid-safe practices during spring break: Wearing our masks, keeping a safe social distance and staying home when sick. Together, we can keep GES Covid-free for our students!


  • CONFERENCES – Conferences continue tonight and Thursday, 3/18 from 3:00-7:00 pm. If you need assistance finding a time that works, please call the office. Otherwise, use this SIGN UP.


Meeting ID: 842 0062 8820 Passcode: BC

Beavers (Ryan Ketchmark) Meeting ID: 763 860 8497

Wolves East (Chandler Litterst) – Not currently available. Chandler will email parents.

Wolves West (Suzy Schweig)

  • SPRING BREAK – March 22-26. School resumes March 29.

  • NO SCHOOL – Friday, April 2 and Monday, April 5.


Photo of the week: The back woods is one of the most-loved areas of the school grounds, and is the site for countless activities from fort-building and tag to sledding and imaginary play. The Beavers class have been practicing cheers in the woods, including this pyramid that they were excited to demonstrate. All of us at GES have been watching the woods slowly transition from winter to spring, and as wonderful as winter is, we are all looking forward to the warmer days ahead! (Rae)

I will be out the rest of the week, but Kristin, Rae and Beth are happy to assist you!

Have a safe, wise and wonderful spring break!


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Great Expectations is a free public school in Grand Marais, Minnesota that works from the principle of “one child at a time,” where students learn based on their individual strengths, passions, needs, and learning styles

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