Every May, Great Expectations School hosts it’s annual plant sale, providing plants for the community and earning thousands of dollars to support the mission of the school. Varieties are chosen with the Cook County growing season in mind.
The 2020 Plant Sale will look a little different, with social distancing and safe browsing measures in mind.
Plans for the 2020 Plant Sale
May 19 thru May 21: As of 5/19/20, we are unable to process any additional curbside pickup orders due to the volume received. If you have concerns about shopping on-site, on May 22 or May 23 please call the school office and we will be happy to assist you. Happy gardening!.
May 22, 8-4 and May 23, 8-2: Sign up for safe browsing time slots, with a limited number of other hoop house shoppers. Cashiers and plant sale helpers will be available on May 22 and May 23. Walk ins welcome if space permits in the Hoop House. May 26- May30 Limited numbers will be allowed to shop during school hours in the hoop house- more details to come. Buying GES plants supports organic gardening, Farm to Table food connections for K-8 and program enrichment and environmental education opportunities. The school is grateful for the community support!
Want to volunteer running a register or helping with plants? Sign up here.