Hello All!
Important dates and events to be aware of this week:
· NO SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY, 11/1 – Staff workshop
· DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SUNDAY, 11/3 - Set clocks back 1 hour.
SELF PORTRAIT NIGHT, NEXT TUESDAY, 11/5 – Please join us for a finger food potluck and view amazing student works of self-reflection from 6:00-7:30 pm. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Our classroom hosts for this event are the Fawns and Otters. Sign up here to contribute to the potluck (and for Fawns and Otters, assist with set up, greeting or clean up): https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080A4DAAAE2EA31-selfportrait1.
FREE FLUORIDE TREATMENTS AT GES, FRIDAY, 11/8 – Please submit both forms that were sent home yesterday if you wish to have your child receive this treatment, courtesy of the Oral Health Task Force.
ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY, 11/12, 6:00-7:15 PM – Check out our facility expansion plans, vote for new board members and hear about the school’s performance. Special Ed Parent Advisory Council Meeting to follow. Childcare and light refreshments will be provided.
EQUAL EXCHANGE FUNDRAISER – Are you detail oriented? Perhaps you can help! Work with Bear Cubs teacher, Anne Mundell on this upcoming, annual fundraiser. Duties include preparing a spreadsheet of all orders received and submitting our order. Flexible hours to fit your schedule.
NO SCHOOL Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 11/27 – 11/29 – Thanksgiving Break
GREAT LUNCH RESTRUCTURING MEETING TODAY – 3:30 pm. Please email me if you have any ideas or insight to share! More on this subject to come.
NORDIC SKI TEAM – Info attached.
Lesa Hofer